The drive up route A1A this morning was fairly enjoyable - not too much traffic early on and a few glimpses of the ocean to be had.
Today we set foot (or wheel) on I95N. Whenever I see signs for 95 I always feel like I am practically home (or that at least I can find my way home). So even though there are some days left on this outing I am feeling like it is winding down. But back to I95. The traffic was terrible. We saw more accidents today (5) than in our entire trip. Most of them were tailgaters smashing the rear of the car ahead of them. And one looked like 2 cars tried to move into the middle lane from left and right at the same time. Average speed for a big stretch was 12mph. And I'm getting tired of exclaiming "Brakes! Lots of brakes! Stop!". If Lowell is reading this I know that he is flailing his arms illustratively.

Fort Clinch State Park has a beach campground and a riverside campground. We are riverside. The site is huge and surrounded by live oaks. After setup we took a bike ride to check things out. There is a fort and museum which we took a quick peek at and will visit more thoroughly tomorrow.

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